If you are interested in our API please get in touch with us for your free API login details.
The API supports the following POST methods:
– create (http://myams.net/api/create.<format>)
Format can be xml or json.
- login, password: required, your customer credentials.
- testonly: optional, boolean (0 or 1), 1 if you don’t want to create an order, but only test the API
- type_id: required, article type ID (numeric)
- keyword: required, article keyword
- additional_keywords: optional, text: keyword: #paragraph, one per line
- rush: optional, boolean (0 or 1), 1 for rush orders
- tagging: optional, boolean (0 or 1), 1 if required tagging keywords
- categories: optional, boolean (0 or 1), 1 if required categories choosed from the list
- internal_id: optional, customer internal order ID (string, 32 chars max)
- internal_customer_id: optional, customer internal user ID (string, 32 chars max)
- callback: optional, URL where to send notifications about the article status
Notifications are sent as GET requests with the following parameters:
‘id’ (unique article ID);
will be ‘finished’ when article is ready to download,
‘submitted’ when article is submitted,
‘report’ when submission report is ready,
‘created’ for recurring orders;
‘writer_id’ (unique ID or a writer who created the article);
‘comment’: comments to the article
extra_titles: optional, numeric set (0/25/50), how many additional titles you need
extra_boxes: optional, numeric set (0/1/40/100/200), how many resource boxes you need
resource_keywords: optional, text: keywords for resource boxes, one per line
resource_urls: optional, text: URLs for resource boxes, one per line, can be with or without leading http://
forbidden_words: optional, text: keywords not allowed to be used in the article/title, one per line
recurring_order_counter: optional, how many recurring orders to create
start_date: optional, start date for postponed orders (YYYY-MM-DD)
order_instructions: optional, instructions for a writer
order_box_instructions: optional, instructions for a resource box writer
order_submit_instructions: optional, submission instructions
force_proof: optional, boolean (0 or 1), 1 if required proof read
force_proof2: optional, boolean (0 or 1), 1 if required double proof read
random_keywords: optional, boolean (0 or 1), 1 to use random RB keywords
fill_up: optional, boolean (0 or 1), 1 to add random keywords to existing resource_keywords parameter
url_variation: optional, boolean (0 or 1), 1 to get 4 variations of 1st resource URL, requires random_keywords,
overwrites resource_urls!
Order fields will be returned on success, or error message if something goes wrong.
<rsp stat=”ok”>
‘id’ element contains unique order ID that should be used in next api calls.
– download (http://myams.net/api/download.<format>)
Format can be xml, json or zip.
login, password: required, your customer credentials.
id: required, unique article ID given in ‘create’ method response
<rsp stat=”ok”>
<keyword>test article</keyword>
<text>test text here</text>
<text>title2 here
text2 here
<text>text 3</text>
There will be 3 ‘text’ elements for UAW articles. Each text element contains one article (title and text).
Titles are not separated from the text.
– download all finished articles for given project (http://myams.net/api/downloadproject.<format>)
Format can be ‘zip’ only.
login, password: required, your customer credentials.
project: required, project name to download
ZIP file containing all finished articles or error if none found.
– download all reports for given order (http://myams.net/api/downloadreport.<format>)
login, password: required, your customer credentials.
id: required, AMS order ID
ZIP file containing all finished articles or error if none found.
– getstatus (http://myams.net/api/getstatus.<format>)
Format can be xml or json.
id (required): order unique ID
<rsp stat=”ok”>
<keyword>test article</keyword>
Codes and statuses:
0 (pending)
1 (assigned)
2 (submitted)
3 (reassigned)
4 (approved)
10 (finished)
– suspend (http://myams.net/api/suspend.<format>)
Format can be xml or json.
id (required): order unique ID
Suspends recurring order.
– resume (http://myams.net/api/resume.<format>)
Format can be xml or json.
id (required): order unique ID
Resumes recurring order.
– pause (http://myams.net/api/pause.<format>)
Format can be xml or json.
id (required): order unique ID
comment (required): comment text
Pauses given order if it’s not assigned to a writer yet.
– unpause (http://myams.net/api/unpause.<format>)
Format can be xml or json.
id (required): order unique ID
Unpauses given order.
– cancel (http://myams.net/api/cancel.<format>)
Format can be xml or json.
id (required): order unique ID
comment (required): text comment
Removes given order if it’s not assigned to a writer yet.
– reject (http://myams.net/api/reject.<format>)
Format can be xml or json.
id (required): order unique ID
comment (optional): customer’s comment about rejected article
callback (optional): URL where to send notifications about the article status
Rejects given order.
– get the balance (http://myams.net/api/getbalance.<format>)
Format can be xml or json.
login, password: required, your customer credentials.
– download open orders (http://myams.net/api/listopen.<format>)
Format can be xml or json.
login, password: required, your customer credentials.
CSV file
– download finished orders (http://myams.net/api/listfinished.<format>)
Format can be xml or json.
login, password: required, your customer credentials.
CSV file
– download archived orders (http://myams.net/api/listarchived.<format>)
Format can be xml or json.
login, password: required, your customer credentials.
CSV file
– download payment history (http://myams.net/api/listpayments.<format>)
Format can be xml or json.
login, password: required, your customer credentials.
CSV file
– download payment rates (http://myams.net/api/listrates.<format>)
Format can be xml or json.
login, password: required, your customer credentials.
Three arrays: “rates”, “titles” and “boxes” with same information as on “My Rates” page in your customer area.
– search for orders (http://myams.net/api/listsearch.<format>)
Format can be xml or json.
login, password: required, your customer credentials.
term: required, text to search
where: optional, can be
‘id’: search by order ID
‘type’: search by order type
‘project’: search in project names only
‘text’: search article text only
‘title’: search in titles only
‘box’: search in resource boxes only
‘rbkey’: search in resource boxes keywords only
CSV file or error 103(“No matching records found”) if no results found
– createaccount (http://myams.net/api/createaccount.<format>)
Format can be xml or json.
login, password: required, your customer credentials.
paypal: required, paypal name for new customer
pass: required, at least 6 chars, password for the new customer
email1: required, contact email
email2: optional, additional email
fullname: optional, full name of the customer
“rsp”: {
“stat”: “ok”,
“id”: “2637”}
‘id’ element contains unique customer ID.
Here is a sample of error response:
<rsp stat=”fail”>
<err code=”101″ msg=”Wrong login or password”/>